Nu stiu cine are nevoie, eu unul am avut. Prin urmare, aplicatia Vodafone pentru Vista poate fi descarcata de aici, dar asta probabil ca stiati. Ce poate nu stiati este ca exista deja un filmulet despre cum se face instalarea, trebuie umblat putin prin device manager, pe YouTube. Iata si filmuletul ...
Step by Step:
1) Connect the E220 to your XP PC/Laptop
2) access the emulated CD Drive and copy all the Contents onto a USB Pen Drive.
3) Disconnect the E220 and the Pen Drive
4) Connect the Pen Drive to your Vista PC and install the software using the Autorun.exe file (Run as Administrator)
5) Connect the E220 - Vista will only recognize a USB Mass Storage Device and the emulated CD drive which it cannot access.
6) Open the Device Manager (in the Control Panel)
7) Look for the USB Mass Storage Device in the "Universal Serial Bus controllers" Section If there are more than one USB Mass Storage Devices, right click each one,
select Properties, Details and then "Children"
If it says "Huawei" somewhere inside the Value, you found the right one.
8) Right click on the Mass Storage Device and select "Update Driver Software"
9) Select "Browse my Computer"
10) Select "Let me pick"
11) Uncheck "Show compatible devices"
12) Select "(standard USB Host Controller)" in the Manufacturer Tab
13) Select "USB Composite Device" in the Model Tab
14) Finish installing the Composite Device driver
15) Afterwards, Vista will add another USB Mass Storage Device, and if you are lucky, also 2 "Data Interfaces"
16) If it doesn't detect the Data Interfaces, disconnect and reconnect your E220.
17) Vista should now detect all the E220s Data Interfaces
18) When asked to insert the disk containing the drivers, choose "I don't have the disk"
19) Enter the \Drivers\WinXP Subfolder of your USB Pen Drive
20) Repeat Step 18&19 for the second Data Interface
21) Start your Huawei Mobile Connect (Web'n'Walk Manager) Software, and connect :)
(Txt instructions by Hedelein. Thanks)
Step by Step:
1) Connect the E220 to your XP PC/Laptop
2) access the emulated CD Drive and copy all the Contents onto a USB Pen Drive.
3) Disconnect the E220 and the Pen Drive
4) Connect the Pen Drive to your Vista PC and install the software using the Autorun.exe file (Run as Administrator)
5) Connect the E220 - Vista will only recognize a USB Mass Storage Device and the emulated CD drive which it cannot access.
6) Open the Device Manager (in the Control Panel)
7) Look for the USB Mass Storage Device in the "Universal Serial Bus controllers" Section If there are more than one USB Mass Storage Devices, right click each one,
select Properties, Details and then "Children"
If it says "Huawei" somewhere inside the Value, you found the right one.
8) Right click on the Mass Storage Device and select "Update Driver Software"
9) Select "Browse my Computer"
10) Select "Let me pick"
11) Uncheck "Show compatible devices"
12) Select "(standard USB Host Controller)" in the Manufacturer Tab
13) Select "USB Composite Device" in the Model Tab
14) Finish installing the Composite Device driver
15) Afterwards, Vista will add another USB Mass Storage Device, and if you are lucky, also 2 "Data Interfaces"
16) If it doesn't detect the Data Interfaces, disconnect and reconnect your E220.
17) Vista should now detect all the E220s Data Interfaces
18) When asked to insert the disk containing the drivers, choose "I don't have the disk"
19) Enter the \Drivers\WinXP Subfolder of your USB Pen Drive
20) Repeat Step 18&19 for the second Data Interface
21) Start your Huawei Mobile Connect (Web'n'Walk Manager) Software, and connect :)
(Txt instructions by Hedelein. Thanks)