The Guardian:
Video nasties gallery: 15 years of anti-piracy warnings
Study finds pirates 10 times more likely to buy music
şi o discuţie de pe blogul lui Manafu pornind de la o constatare a acestuia
Online: Eradicarea pirateriei trebuie sa mai astepte
şi un subiect de meditaţie pentru cei aprigi vărsători de amenzi şi zile de închisoare.
She says giving the film away has boosted its fame, increased its actual DVD sales, and enhanced the value of the entire project. It has even created renewed interest in Annette Hanshaw, whose late-1920s recordings are used in the film. Even though the corporate copyright holders zealously protect their rights, Paley said, the original Hanshaw masters were trashed for scrap metal years ago.
de pe blogul lui Roger Ebert