08 decembrie 2010

Statu’ a dat

statu’ a luat, statu’ să fie lăudat.

Că altfel nu pot să cataloghez gestul ăsta. Pentru că se aşternuseră multe prostii în capul meu de la întâlnirea de la Hilton, am uitat să strecor în cearşaful ăla de post şi ştirea asta, cu privire la scandalul Romgaz – Fondul Proprietatea.

At the recent annual general meeting of Romgaz, Romania's largest gas producer, the government, which owns 85% of the company, voted for it to donate 400m lei ($122m) to the state budget to help the country meet its budget-deficit targets.

The other 15% of the company is in the hands of Fondul Proprietatea, an investment fund set up in 2005 to recompense those who had property expropriated under Romania’s communist regime. The fund was endowed with holdings in state companies, and victims were given shares in it.

The irony of the government extracting assets from a fund designed to compensate victims of expropriation is not lost on Mark Mobius, head of the emerging-markets arm of Franklin Templeton, a fund manager that administers Fondul Proprietatea, and that is suing the Romanian government. Voting dividends to all shareholders would have been fine, Mr Mobius says, but transferring a lump sum to the treasury is going too far.

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Aş fi fost curios ce zice domnu Voinescu în privinţa concepţiei pdl-iste asupra proprietăţii din Fondul Proprietatea. Că tot spunea că nu este bine înţeleas conceptul de proprietate în România.