20 septembrie 2007

Things that I whish to see

Basically, these are the things that I would like to see/or hear in the near future:

  • Romanian iPhone screens filled with ketchup from shaorma
  • Clear name's spelling from the customer service representatives
  • Dustin Hoffman kicking the arse of Steven Seagal
  • People speaking their mind and not trying so climbsy to sneak out
  • Older people, wiser and not more demented
  • People able to accept that they are not perfect and what's more important, that they are not perfect and therefore stop asking you to meet their ivory tower expectations
  • Clean commercial ads, the ones for which you will gladly change the channel, and not the ones that you fear to see by mistake and be haunted by them afterwards
  • More people interested in policies and not politics, dismissing something you do not like is not equal to rebel against it, it is just another form of conformity with the crowd
  • Less talk shows and more dialogue shows on television channels
  • Dan Diaconescu trying to figure out what to do with his rating points, other than spilling them out like bingo numbers
wonder which one has the highest bidding rate.