un interviu foarte bun cu Woody Allen, de citit înainte şi după Vicky, nu şi în timpul ...
Allen: It
doesn't. This picture could've been made in Madrid, it could've been made in
Rome, it could've been made in Venice or Paris. There's a lot of cities that it
couldn't have been made in—what you need is a colorful, kind of exotic,
cosmopolitan city that's got great cultural depth and enormous visual
potential. There are a number of cities in Europe that have that. It wouldn't
have been easy to make it in London, because that has a less exotic, slightly
drier feeling, although it's a great city. But Barcelona is one among a number
of cities that it could've been made in, and they were the ones that called me
and said, "Would you make a film in Barcelona if we finance it?" And I said, "Sure."