“Americans are flocking to buy and read ‘Atlas Shrugged’ because there are uncanny similarities between the plot-line of the book and the events of our day” said Yaron Brook, Executive Director at the Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights. “Americans are rightfully concerned about the economic crisis and government’s increasing intervention and attempts to control the economy. Ayn Rand understood and identified the deeper causes of the crisis we’re facing, and she offered, in ‘Atlas Shrugged,’ a principled and practical solution consistent with American values."
Este pentru a treia oară în două zile când dau peste o referinţă la Ayn Rand. Asta după ce nu am auzit toată facultatea numele acesta. Cred că e un semn că ar trebui să îmi diversific lecturile. Doar că spectrul a 1000 de pagini încă îmi cutremură puterea mea de concentrare destul de limitată.