Here’s the truth. I make $60.00 every Monday night; $30 of which I pay to a friend to set up and take down my drums. I don’t enjoy that part of it, so it’s worth it to me. So I make $30.00. The people love the music, and I know why. It’s real musicians, playing passionate, beautiful music right in front of there eyes. Exceptional musicians, truly.
mi-a adus aminte de vorba aia cu „nimeni nu mai citeşte cărţi sau ascultă muzică, dar toţi vor să se facă muzicieni sau scriitori ...”
asta în eventualitatea în care numele nu vă spune nimic (ar trebui)
mi-a plăcut şi partea cu Fleetwood Mac şi Santana împărţindu-l pe Peter Green (pe unde o fi caseta mea cu bluesurile lui Green? Cred că-l avea şi pe Paul Kossoff pe album ...)
Years later, when Santana was being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, along with Fleetwood Mac on the same evening, Carlos was gracious enough to invite Peter Green to play "Black Magic Woman" with us, as it became obvious that Fleetwood Mac was not going to have Peter Green be a part of their ceremony. Shame on them.
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