04 septembrie 2007

Hard work

Just finished this great post by Seth Godin [makes Bloglines clipping worthwhile] on what is nowadays the true mening of hard work and I really felt for the poor guy working at the slaughterhouse. He could not be more true about everybody moaning on their tight schedule and long hours. Here it is the true meaning of HARD WORK:

It's hard work to make difficult emotional decisions, such as quitting a job and setting out on your own. It's hard work to invent a new system, service, or process that's remarkable. It's hard work to tell your boss that he's being intellectually and emotionally lazy. It's easier to stand by and watch the company fade into oblivion. It's hard work to tell senior management to abandon something that it has been doing for a long time in favor of a new and apparently risky alternative. It's hard work to make good decisions with less than all of the data.

Reading all this makes my second job look like a walk in the park. I don't know about you, but I already feel motivated. Hope my boss doesn't read this [and if she does, Welcome back Elena!]