07 martie 2008

Look Ma' ... 3D

Nu prea stiu ce sa fac cu asta deocamdata, dar sunt sigur ca sunt altii care vor gasi utila stirea. Cei de la Stanford au dezvoltat o tehnologie care permite transformarea unei imagini 2D in 3D. Serviciul este disponibil pe site-ul Make 3D. Oricum, nu asteptati sa se intample peste noapte, dureaza ceva timp, oricum, nu este nevoie sa stai cu ochii in ecran, te anunta ei pe mail. Dragut, nu?
Exista posibilitatea de a descarca pozele [VRLM si JPEG] sau filmuletul in Flash[deja sunt peste 14000!] si este anuntata si optiunea de a descarca filmul in high resolution, pe viitor.

Daca ma uitam mai atent pe site, puteam sa vad mai devreme optiunea de embed

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To build Make3D's algorithm, the Stanford researchers used a laser scanner to estimate the distance of every pixel or point in a two-dimensional image. That 3-D information was coupled with the image and reviewed by the algorithm so that it could learn to correlate visual properties in the image with depth values. For example, it will learn that a large blue pad is probably part of the sky and farther away, says Saxena. There are thousands of such visual properties that humans unconsciously use to determine depth. The Make3D algorithm learns these kinds of rules and processes images accordingly, he says.

via Technology Review