Din nou despre reţelele sociale, o teză de doctorat de data asta,
As social network sites like MySpace and Facebook emerged, American
teenagers began adopting them as spaces to mark identity and socialize with peers.
Teens leveraged these sites for a wide array of everyday social practices—gossiping,
flirting, joking around, sharing information, and simply hanging out. While social
network sites were predominantly used by teens as a peer -based social outlet, the
unchartered nature of these sites generated fear among adults. This dissertation
documents my 2.5-year ethnographic study of American teens’ engagement with
social network sites and the ways in which their participation supported and
complicated three practices—self-presentation, peer sociality, and negotiating adult
pdf-ul se descarcă de aici.
via Boing Boing
şi încă un text interesant despre comunicarea mediată de calculator, linkul vine de la treibădică,
Unlike previous studies of political communication on the Internet, which examine discussions through content analysis methods, this study uses an experimental design and focuses on two of the formal elements of communication-synchronicity and civility.
pentru că am observat că a avut succes link-ul pe care l-am dat către engenstrom, acum câteva zile. Şi tot n-am terminat raportul comisiei.
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