Had I approached that album in a ‘digital’ way I wonder if I would have had the patience to hear it till its end and even hear it once more since it didn’t tickle “my taste,” which actually was the musical taste I was conditioned to hear. Good things take time to reveal themselves: they need to pierce through our mental structures and conditionings which automatically tend to reject what’s not familiar. If I would have got it in an iPod maybe I would have skipped the tracks after a few beats, looking for something which would better appeal to my tastes or just I could not concentrate on a full album, being interrupted by SMS, email, chat or whatever online event.
Ivo Quartiroli - Maybe I would Not Appreciate Pink Floyd’s Music if it was Digital
ce spuneţi? aţi mai fi fanii trupelor pe care le ascultaţi în copilărie? Pe casete, viniluri, benzi de magnetofon. Ce relevanţă avea atunci suportul pe care ascultam muzica preferată, mai ales dacă ţinem cont că
In the sixties and seventies, music ruled the world, if you were a kid and wanted to know what was going on, you put on a record. And if you couldn’t afford the record, you turned on the radio, which rather than being beholden to the corporation, seemed to be tailor-made for you, with news that you were interested in, songs that piqued your curiosity and deejays that were your best friend. – Lefsetz Letter
şi ce relevanţă are acum dacă am pus tagurile corecte, dacă toate track-urile au cover art-ul original, etc? Amarok are opţiunea de a urmări versurile pieselor pe care le asculţi, dar majoritatea preferăm playerul undeva în dreapta jos, să nu ne deranjeze …