dintr-un articol din Time, despre aniversarea a 40 de ani de la festivalul de la Woodstock
It's clear that no one — not the bands, the organizers or the audience — had a clue what they were supposed to be doing, and with good reason: no one had ever done it before. Prior to Woodstock there weren't many impromptu six-figure gatherings or stadium tours, so appropriate behavior had to be invented. Luckily a leader emerged near the end of Day Two. Using the only lull in a churning 17-minute medley, Sly Stone explained that singing along isn't old-fashioned, that it wouldn't turn the kids into their parents: "You must dig it is not a fashion in the first place. It is a feeling, and if it was good in the past, it's still good." Moments later the entire city of Woodstock was shouting "Hiiii-yer."